Our forest school site is quite amazing. Surrounded by buildings, roads and other parts of the city it’s like a small haven in the middle of the neighborhood.
This small Haven is quite unique and important to us but as all Evergreen Woods are, it is not that hospitable.
We needed help getting it organized to fit our forest school sessions.
Israel has laws against cutting down trees and we could not use the trees in the forest to make places to sit and small tables, we had to use the following trees that have fallen last winter.
One of those logs were all rotten and unusable.
The other two were good but quite heavy and stuck where they fail which mean we need an expert to move them. Apparently there is not a lot of people who know how to do those things in Jerusalem and after a long search I finally found one guy who were not just able and qualified to do the job he was also willing.
He’s name is Eyal and he came early morning to help us organize the forest.
He came with all his heart and soul and did allHe possibly could just to make sure that everything will be ready for the kids and everything will be extra safe.
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